Additional Archived Classes:


COVID, Connection, & the Enneagram (Part 1).

Fr. Jonathan with Lauren Stroh


At Home with Holy Chaos, 13 short stories.

Hosted by the Rev. Kate Byrd and Fr. Jonathan, including Amy Sellers and Lauren Stroh 



Theology on Tap: Racism and Listening to Voices of the Black Community.

Hosted by Fr. Jonathan, including resources from the Presiding Bishop, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Bryan Stevenson, Michelle Alexander, and others.


The "Lent, Life, and Following Jesus" series continues.

An interview with bee-keeper and educator Jenni Scoggin and amateur bat biologist Annie Melton.


In the finale of our Way of Love class, we explore the connections between music, improvisation, and faithful presence.

With producer and Nashville recording artist Matthew Melton.

COVID, Connection, & the Enneagram (Part 2).

Fr. Jonathan with Laura Stroh


Mental Health, Musicians and the Rest of Us.

Fr. Jonathan with Lauren Stroh  


Solidarity and N. Minneapolis: a Conversation.

With Steve Mullaney, Fr. Jonathan and James and Julia Braaten 


Pray and Stay Awake.

Fr. Jonathan with the Rev. Randy Melton

COVID, Connection, & the Enneagram (Part 3).

Fr. Jonathan with Laura Stroh


Our Lenten series, "Lent, Life, and Following Jesus," moves online with an interview.

With Norm Wirzba and two examples of organizations living at the crossroads of faith and creation care: Plainsong Farm and A Rocha.


Way of Love Summary Class.

Fr. Jonathan's set up to the class with Matthew Melton