“…it is solved by walking…””
Labyrinth Journeys
We invite you to use the FREE Labyrinth Journeys App on your device to follow along with this devotional.
God’s Presence With Me & Before Me
“Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane.” God is everywhere.
There is no spot in heaven or in earth where he is not present. From the first moment of my existence to the present moment, I have been in God’s presence. Everywhere. At all times. Often I forget this truth.
Often I go in the actions of life without a thought of God. But here today I will remember that I am in the presence of God.
- St. Augustine
An Invitation to the Labyrinth –
The theologian Martin Buber wrote, “God says to me, as God said to Moses: Put off thy shoes from thy feet’ – put off the habitual which encloses your foot, and you will know that the place on which you are now standing is holy ground. For there is no rung of human life on which we cannot find the holiness of God everywhere and at all times.” You are welcome to stand on the holy ground of the labyrinth this sacred evening/morning.
Labyrinth Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, for each of us the Labyrinth represents a unique path. As we walk this evening/morning, guide each of us in this Season of Change – Fill us with your spirit, nourish us, restore us, inspire us for our respective journeys that lay ahead. May we each take comfort in the knowledge that you walk alongside us, You are the lamp which guides our feet, and if we put our trust in you then we are surely on the right path.
- James Braaten
“The Way to God, the road to spiritual depth, is slow but true. It demands constant attention but it is worth it. In the end it brings peace and joy.”
The Three R’s:
1. RELEASING (Letting Go)
The Walk to the Centre
At the Centre
3. RETURN (Integration)
The Walk Back
Thoughts for Your Journey:
Make me to know your ways, O God; teach me your paths. (Psalm 25:4)
Stand at the crossroads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. (Jeremiah 6:16)
“The spiritual gift on the inner journey is to know that creation comes out of chaos, and that even what has been created needs to be returned to chaos every now and then to get recreated in more vital form. The spiritual gift on this inner journey is the knowledge that in chaos I cannot only survive, but I can thrive, that there is vitality in that chaotic field of energy.” (Parker J. Palmer)
Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Ponder the path of your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or the left, keep your foot from evil. (Proverbs 4:25-27)
Guide Me into an Unclenched Moment
Gentle me, Holy One, into an unclenched moment, a deep breath A letting go…of heavy expectancies, of shriveling anxieties, of dead certainties, that, softened by the silence, surrounded by the light, and open to the mystery, I may be found by wholeness, upheld by the unfathomable, entranced by the simple, and filled with the joy that is you. (Ted Loder)